Postgres for Search and Analytics

Postgres for Search and Analytics

ParadeDB is a modern Elasticsearch alternative built on Postgres.

ParadeDB is a modern Elasticsearch alternative built on Postgres.


docker run --name paradedb paradedb/paradedb

docker run

--name paradedb paradedb/paradedb

docker exec -it paradedb psql -U postgres

docker exec -it paradedb \

psql -U postgres




The world's fastest Postgres-based analytical database

The world's fastest Postgres-based analytical database

The world's fastest Postgres-based analytical database

Query billions of rows in milliseconds directly from Postgres.

Query billions of rows in milliseconds directly from Postgres.

Analytical Performance vs. Postgres

Analytical Performance vs. Postgres

Analytical Performance vs. Postgres

Scores measured by Clickbench

Scores measured by Clickbench

94X Faster than Postgres

94X Faster than Postgres

94X Faster than Postgres

ParadeDB brings column-oriented storage and vectorized query execution to Postgres tables. Users can choose between row and column-oriented storage at table creation time.

ParadeDB brings column-oriented storage and vectorized query execution to Postgres tables. Users can choose between row and column-oriented storage at table creation time.

ParadeDB brings column-oriented storage and vectorized query execution to Postgres tables. Users can choose between row and column-oriented storage at table creation time.

Data Compression Ratio vs. Postgres

Data Compression Ratio vs. Postgres

Scores measured by Clickbench

5X Data Compression

5X Data Compression

Column-oriented tables are stored as Parquet files and are managed by Delta Lake.

Column-oriented tables are stored as Parquet files and are managed by Delta Lake.

Data Compression Ratio vs. Postgres

Scores measured by Clickbench

5X Data Compression

Column-oriented tables are stored as Parquet files and are managed by Delta Lake.




Elastic-quality search inside Postgres

Elastic-quality search inside Postgres

Elastic-quality search inside Postgres

ParadeDB supercharges Postgres' native search capabilities.

ParadeDB supercharges Postgres' native search capabilities.

Full Text Search

Search by keyword with BM25 scoring, configurable tokenizers, and multi-language support.

Similarity Search

Search by semantic meaning with support for sparse and dense vectors.

Hybrid Search

Surface results with higher accuracy by combining the strengths of full text and similarity search.


> SELECT description, rating, category



Full Text Search

Search by keyword with BM25 scoring, configurable tokenizers, and multi-language support.

Similarity Search

Search by semantic meaning with support for sparse and dense vectors.

Hybrid Search

Surface results with higher accuracy by combining the strengths of full text and similarity search.


> SELECT description, rating, category



Full Text Search

Search by keyword with BM25 scoring, configurable tokenizers, and multi-language support.

Similarity Search

Search by semantic meaning with support for sparse and dense vectors.

Hybrid Search

Surface results with higher accuracy by combining the strengths of full text and similarity search.




Unify operational and analytical data

Unify operational and analytical data

Unify operational and analytical data

Unlock insights faster and simplify the data stack with an all-in-one search and analytical database.

Unlock insights faster and simplify the data stack with an all-in-one search and analytical database.

Reliable Data Store

ParadeDB is ACID-compliant with concurrency controls across all transactions.

ParadeDB is ACID-compliant with concurrency controls across all transactions.

ParadeDB is ACID-compliant with concurrency controls across all transactions.

Postgres Compatibility

ParadeDB integrates with the Postgres ecosystem, including clients, extensions, and libraries.

ParadeDB integrates with the Postgres ecosystem, including clients, extensions, and libraries.

ParadeDB integrates with the Postgres ecosystem, including clients, extensions, and libraries.

Real-Time Guarantees

Data is searchable immediately after insert.

Data is searchable immediately after insert.

Data is searchable immediately after insert.

Coming soon

HTAP Queries

JOIN transactional (row-oriented) and analytical (column-oriented) tables with a true HTAP (hybrid transactional/analytical processing) Postgres database.

JOIN transactional (row-oriented) and analytical (column-oriented) tables with a true HTAP (hybrid transactional/analytical processing) Postgres database.

JOIN transactional (row-oriented) and analytical (column-oriented) tables with a true HTAP (hybrid transactional/analytical processing) Postgres database.

Coming soon

Data Lake Integrations

Run analytical queries directly on top of S3, Azure, or GCP object stores without physical data movement.

Run analytical queries directly on top of S3, Azure, or GCP object stores without physical data movement.

Run analytical queries directly on top of S3, Azure, or GCP object stores without physical data movement.

Made for developers

Made for developers

Made for developers

Open Source

Open Source

ParadeDB is developed in public and welcomes community contributions.

ParadeDB is developed in public and welcomes community contributions.

Built in Rust

Built in Rust

ParadeDB's search and analytics engines are written in Rust.

ParadeDB's search and analytics engines are written in Rust.


Modern search and analytics Are built on Postgres

Modern search and analytics Are built on Postgres

Modern search and analytics Are built on Postgres

© 2024 Retake, Inc. All rights reserved.


169 Madison Ave #2470

New York, NY 10016


© 2023 Retake, Inc. All rights reserved.


169 Madison Ave #2470

New York, NY 10016


© 2024 Retake, Inc. All rights reserved.


169 Madison Ave #2470

New York, NY 10016
